/!\ 02 {Target Value_p.title}

/!\ 02 {Target Value_p.title}

About Target Value

Target Value is a single-player puzzle game that embodies an artificial intelligence that must take control of several elements in the environment to solve puzzles with lots of lasers.

The current version of the game is a prototype developed in a little over a month on the graphics engine Unreal Engine 4, I programmed and create all assets of the game. Some textures come from GCTextures.com


Itch: https://bleuraven.itch.io/targetvalue

Google drive:
TargetValue (Windows 32 bits) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pZtVMtcBebF7HCM3YJ3CQXNoAOB7f9CJ/view?usp=sharing
TargetValue (Windows 64 bits) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SevBocjFz1P0kueowzjesm0pu58v7-CG/view?usp=sharing


Gameplay video